Class Expectations & Procedures
(Le règlement de classe)
(Le règlement de classe)
Ms. B. Valdes
French M/J Beginning, French I & French II
Bring binder with 3 sections: a) Travail de Classe (classwork) b) Vocabulaire (grammar notes)
c) Devoir (homework)
This will be checked periodically and you have to keep it from the 1st to the 4th grading period in chronological order.
Pencil, mechanical pencil or erasable pen and straightedge binder paper (Work done on paper torn out of a spiral binder will not be accepted).
Bring a bi-lingual pocket dictionary (French - English)
Student in French I & II MUST buy: La Conjugaison pour tous by Bescherelle through Amazon or eBay
To successfully learn a foreign language, students must be willing to try new experiences. They must feel comfortable in attempting to pronounce new sounds/words, give oral presentations in front of the class, and work in small groups and with several different partners. The students will be able to do this in a safe, supportive environment where they won’t feel fear or be ridiculed by their peers or their teacher.
Classroom Rules:
- RESPECT for all – listen when others are speaking; keep hands, feet, objects and negative remarks to yourself
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Always raise your hand to be recognized before speaking and standing up from your seat.
- Bring all required materials to class everyday.
- No candy, food, gum or any electronic devises.
- Do not touch power or emergency buttons.
- Be in your seat, ready to work as soon as you enter the classroom.
Class work to be graded must be neat with no scratch outs. It must be done in mechanical pencil or regular pencil. Graded homework assignments are to be submitted on time.
After an absence, it the responsibility of the student to find out from a classmate what assignment(s) were missed. Students who do not have an excused absence will NOT be able to make up a test/quiz. Failure to complete any tests or quizzes after two days will result in a grade of zero. No make-up work is accepted unless the absence(s) are excused by the main office.
I expect you to be in class when the second bell rings. If you are not, you are tardy.
The school-wide grading scale is:
100-90 - A
89-80 - B
79-70 - C
69-60 - D
59- 0 – F
French Articulation:
French M/J Beginning:
Rudimentary communication with learned phrases. Simple questions and answers: Present Tense. Introduction to past narration.
French I:
Basic communication with learned phrases; simple questions and answers. Simple descriptions of people and things. Simple narration in the present; introduction to past narration. Simple explanations as to why something is done.
French II:
Creative conversation; asking and answering questions. More detailed descriptions, including simple comparisons. Basic narration in the past (passé compose and imperfect) and future. Expression of personal wishes and needs.
Please sign and return this bottom portion to Ms. Valdes.
We the parents/guardians and the student have read the classroom expectations and procedures, and we agree to comply with them.
___________________________ ___________________________ ____________
Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date
___________________________ ___________________________ ____________
Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature Date